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Meteorology activity book

We were kindly sent 'Meteorology activity book' to review.  

Just like the geology book, we have thoroughly enjoyed the meteorology book. Both books are part of the 'STEM starters' and have covered each topic exceptionally well. If you haven't had a chance, have a read of our review of 'Geology activity book' here

What is the Meteorology book about?

'Meteorology is the study of the weather.'

'Meteorology activity book' covers all areas of meteorology, and as with the geology book, the design, structure, layout and content are brilliant. They encapsulate the targeted audience, and offer lots of fun as well as facts. 

What I've throughly enjoyed about these books, is the fact, that the factual information is there, but a lovely activity (be it word search, drawing, maze or colouring) for each sub topic makes learning so much more fun. 

Within 'Meteorology activity book' we look at 

  • instruments used for measuring weather
  • wind
  • rain
  • clouds
  • rainbows
  • snow
  • temperature
  • thunder and lightening 
  • tornadoes 
  • monsoon
  • changing weather 
  • climate change 
  • strange weather
That is a lot of information, but the way it is presented, ensures it is delivered in a bright and fun way. Little person, who is 7, has thoroughly enjoyed these books, and after having had a quick look at the local library, he's happily stated these are by far the best ones!

I've also learnt a lot, for instance, now I know what a Hygrometer is used for and an Anemometer! 

We've been making clouds in jars and talking about rain recently, so its been great to find a wonderful child friendly explanation about rain and where it comes from, as well as lots about clouds...we will be out today looking for 'Cumulus', 'Stratus' and 'Cirrus', little person has stated he'll be surprised if he sees 'Nimbostratus' (and that's not all the cloud types and names...but I don't want to add too many spoilers!)

Last night we switched off our lights and electronics, to join the millions of people switching off for Earthhour, so it was a nice surprise to find a section on climate change and what leads to such changes. I firmly believe these are important topics that need to be talked about in depth with our children. If we do not teach the next generation about these important issues, we cannot expect much hope for our planet...and I am always very happy to find resources that help with such topics, so it was a huge thumbs up from me for having that included in this book. The explanation about climate change is child friendly like the rest of the book, but it is important and I am glad to see it here. The activity that goes with it helped little person understand the extent of change that occurs and how it does, and will continue to affect the planet. 

Each topic is delivered to an exceptionally high standard. In order to cover facts, make the pages child friendly and add activities, I believe is a huge achievement...and one done very well! 

Final thoughts 

As with 'Geology activity book', 'Meteorology activity book' has been a fantastic resource for us. Once again the books are easy to incorporate into our home school, so much can be used alongside the curriculum (if you prefer the curriculum), otherwise as a stand alone books, they offer so much info. You could use these books with zero planning, as a fun activity and watch your child tell you all about meteorology or geology (don't forget to read our review on the geology book). 

I've mentioned in the previous review how the books are of a high standard and quality, and the illustrations are absolutely fantastic (by Vicky Barker- winner of Blue Peter book awards 2018), and I'm happy to type that again, as it is an important part of decision making when you buy something. 

if you'd like further info, please check 'bsmall' publishing instagram page and website


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