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Cluedo Junior

I thought a review of this board game would be nice, it’s not like the adult version and hard to tell whether it’s too difficult for children by reading the short descriptions on seller websites, so we hope this review helps those who are thinking about buying. 

Cluedo junior is all about catching that naughty person who ate the cake! I love the fact that it’s a completely original and funny concept (it would be worrying if it was a murder hunt). 


The game consists of 
6 character pawns
6 furniture tokens 
7 white bases
7 yellow bases
Label sheet
Game guide 

How to play

Set up is quite simple, which is always a good thing, kids don’t have too much patience! 
Some of the yellow bases have drinks under them and some of the white bases have times under them, and one has crumbs under. 

A yellow and white piece are selected randomly (without looking at what is marked at the bottom). Those two pieces are placed in the middle, and hold the answer as to when and with what drink the culprit had with their cake! (Bases without anything under and the crumbs are removed when selecting random ones for the middle). 

Besides the two bases in the middle, the rest are used in the game. Yellow bases are attached to the furniture tokens and the white bases are attached to the character pawns. It’s great that the answers are discretely drawn/written under the bases, otherwise we would have some sneaky peaks! 

All characters are then set on their allocated spots on the game 

Characters include, Miss Scarlet, Col. Mustard, professor Plum, Mrs Peacock, Dr. Orchid and Mr Green. 

Each player has their sheet. The sheet has 4 rows, first row is characters, second row is time, third row is drinks and fourth row furniture. 

The die included has numbers 2 to 4, a yellow side and a white side. 

Game begins with first player rolling the die, if it lands on a number, the player chooses a character and moves him/her the number of steps on die. If the die lands on yellow, you can take a look under furniture (yellow base), and if it lands on white you can look under a character. 

When moving the characters the aim is to reach white or red spots on the board, yellow spot means the furniture in that room
 can be checked and white spot means the character can be checked. 

When a piece of furniture or character is checked, you cross off the information seen. For instance, the die lands on white and you choose to check under Dr. Orchid, she has 2.00 on her base, so you mark off the character and time. The same thing happens with the furniture, the drink and furniture are marked off. 

One of the characters base has the crumbs (naughty person), so that is the culprit. However, you need to know the time and drink. This entails checking all the furniture and characters in order to mark off the extras. Once all characters and furniture have been checked, you are left with one time and one drink that have not been marked off...and you have the answer! 

Once a player thinks they have cracked it, they can say their accusation out loud. They then check with the two pieces in the middle to ensure they have the time and drink right (the two pieces are the time and drink). If the accusation is incorrect, play resumes without that player. 

What to we think? 

Some of the reviews on some sites stated the game seems a little complicated for children, however, I personally think it’s the long 
winded nature that makes it a little bit confusing at times. Kids sometimes forget to mark off what they saw, or they’ll check a 
piece, return to mark it off on their sheet and state they wasted a turn as they’d already checked that! 

We have had to run through it a few times to really ensure we all understand. 

On our first attempt, at the very beginning of the game little person said ‘this one doesn’t have a time under but maybe some rocks?’! After a laugh or two we had to restart by changing the bases around again. 

Overall, myself and the kids really enjoy this game. The curiosity makes everyone want to reach the end. It isn’t too long, so doesn’t go on for hours, and with little people games need to be the right length. 

We purchased our Cluedo Junior from amazon.


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