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Mysteries In Time - Elizabethans

Recently I decided that we needed more history sessions, the few books I had purchased weren't working, they were far too difficult for little person, so when I came across 'Mysteries in time' subscription boxes, I was delighted. 
The idea of a box (different era/theme each time) full of jam packed fun activities for children to learn and enjoy history was exactly what I needed, and without further doubt I subscribed!

The box I will be reviewing today is all about the  Elizabethans. 

'Elizabethan London is the next stop, where you will learn about Queen Elizabeth I, Shakespeare, the plague, the Spanish Armada and more.' 

What is included?

The welcome booklet (little bit like the instructions booklet received in all subscriptions boxes), breaks down the activities you can carry out using the provided material. Those include: 

  1. Placing the timeline sticker on your world map. It was great to see little person enthusiastically find London on the map. The activity is a great opportunity to review world map knowledge and maybe even a quick test on a few other capitals whilst you're there!
  2. There are a few pages of beautiful illustrations to colour in; colouring and drawing activities include, colouring and drawing your own Tudor, colouring a picture of wealthy couple alongside children (who appear not as wealthy). It was once again a great discussion point with regards to wealth, and more so the attire worn. Little person found it interesting and wondered whether the dress worn would work in todays time! There is a beautiful Tudor house illustration to colour and decorate. As a child, as part of history I remember walking around our local town to spot all the buildings from the Elizabethan era. This is one of our to do things, and after some google images, we will hopefully have a walk around to see if we can find any buildings from that era (different area in the country so this will be exciting for me too!). A Galleon compass drawing to colour in is also included. We are huge colouring enthusiasts in this house and so we love all these illustrations included!
  3. 'Max and Katie's Elizabethan adventure' reading book is also included in the box with a lovely bookmark. Little person has been very much into reading recently, and he cannot wait to read through Max and Katie's adventure. I can imagine how much he will learn!
  4. Quizzes and puzzles are also included, I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy a few of these (or lots!)
  5. An arts and crafts bag, full of all the materials required to make your own pirate treasure chest. 
  6. Lots of colourful stickers included (including the timeline sticker).
  7. With this box little person has received a beautiful compass. It is wonderful to receive a souvenir, and great to see each box comes with one!

What do we think?

We haven't had the opportunity to study much history together, with the wrong resources and not much knowledge on my part (should have picked history at school!!) it has been a subject I keep meaning to visit. Therefore, coming across Mysteries in Time boxes was perfect, I was sure (and I was right) that these boxes would offer all the facts and figures but at the same time the learning would occur through 'play', making it much more fun and therefore enabling little person to retain so much of what he picked up. 
The box is full of fun filled activities such as making, colouring, puzzles and quizzes. They add so much more to the learning process, and children are not designed to sit and read pages and pages of black and white. Drawing and colouring a Tudor means little person will remember that, completing a puzzle will ensure he retains that information, and that is how 'fun learning' occurs. 
The history booklet is perfect for children. Full of colour, facts presented in an easy to comprehend manner for children and lots of activities. The booklet covers the following:

  • Geography
  • The Tudors
  • Queen Elizabeth I and parents 
  • Religion
  • Spanish Armada
  • Explorers
  • Shakespeare 
  • The Tower of London
  • Fashion
  • Colouring and drawing 
  • The plague
  • Medicine, witches and Houses
  • Elizabethan London 
  • Quiz and puzzles 

With the resources included in this box, Max and Katie's adventure, history booklet and the fun packed activities, this box has been a huge hit. I cannot imagine anyone not enjoying any part of the contents included, and I am positive that a lot of learning will take place with these fab subscription boxes! 

For more information head over to mysteriesintime


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